Laxmi is now 30 years old. She is from the Kailali. She is living with their 6 family members. Agriculture is the main economic resource of the family. Her husband is now doing the tractor driver job. She is easily functioning well as her producer group leader. She goes to attend in group meeting regularly. She helps to getting loan others group member.
She was informed the about the implementing the Agriculture and Economic Development project she joint the group. The group was formed by the project one and half year ago. She elected as the group leader. The project has conducted various trainings in their group member. Members are got the Spice Cultivation Training, Post-harvest training, interpreter development training, bio-poison making training. Producers are also oriented about the marketing of the commodities.
Laxmi also got trainings, and she have benefited about the trainings so she started to spread her cultivation land area. She has upgraded cultivating land area 1 to 3 Kattha. And she increase earning money. She said ” I’m very happy and satisfied doing spice farming. and my economic being strengthening now.”
Before joining the group she didn’t know about the how to cultivate off seasonal commodity. She used to cultivate in one Kattha land area in traditional way. It’s grew little volume and if it was increased by chance they have distribute vegetable in their relatives without any cost. Sometime of the year there were crisis of the food. She remembered a few second and said with wet eye “We struggled for feeding our children and we had to work every day wise labor.” She added “Thanks to Agriculture and Economic Development project and Digo Bikash Samaj for supporting us to grow up our economic development.”