Chetram belongs to Ghodaghodi Municipality of Kailali District. He is now 42 years old. He lives in a family of 15 members. In this year he is become a chairperson of the group. His son goes to India for labour.

Before joining in the group he didn’t have confidence to dare pick up his house expenditure on solder. He used to work in the small farming field so that he can afford food to his family. He didn’t keep the record in daily nor he know about the production plan so he had difficult to marketing his commodity. He said” before joining the group I used to product little amount of commodity for only home consume and distribute my neighbor without any cost. I didn’t know any new technology. But now I can keep the record and following the production plan. “
Before joining the group of he have no any idea for cultivation and farming. So he have suffer difficult in his life. When the Digo Bikash Samaj have implement the agriculture and economic development project he also informed and he decided to join the Agricluture producer group in his community.
The Agriculture and Economic Development project works to the producer group in the model of Local Value Chain. Through increasing income and net profit AED project have the taken the goal of the child wellbeing of the producers. Chetram have got the chance to entrance the Producer group of Fresh Vegetable Producer group. He got the different trainings of the cultivation and post harvest training. And decided to expand the farm area into 7 Kattha. He earned the 45 thousand in a season. He is very satisfied.
He invest in another business with the income of the vegetable farming. He have bought the Tent House. When the marriage season he install tent house in the several marriage.
Chet ram have increase savings and he is able to feeds their family as well as children education.