In the periphery of the poverty Nirmala grow her child hood. She got early child marriage. In immature she has got the so many difficulties and hurts. Developing her knowledge and capacity building on the Marketing and fresh vegetable cultivation she able to export her commodities in Indian market of border nearest. She goes to sell bean and green vegetable in the season and earn good profit.
Nirmala is from Bhajani Municipality. She is now 26 years old. She have 2 children one is belongs to Register Children in Sponsored program of World Vision International Nepal. There are 7 members in her family. Her husband supports her for cultivation in leisure time for preparation of supporter for vine vegetables. He do servant job in the Retailer Shop in the Lamakai (Highway market). Nowadays she works in her paddy crop put offing grass. Her son goes to boarding school and reads in grade one.
She has no any land area in legally ownership. She cultivate in 10 Kattha Ailani Land (non-registered). Nirmala cultivates paddy in 6 Kattha and vegetable in 4 Kattha. She used to cultivate vegetable 1 katta it was limit only house hold consume. After the implementation of the project she has increased vegetable cultivation land area in to 4.
Before joining the group she didn’t know about vegetable farming. She used to ashamed to sell their production. She didn’t care about the rate of commodity and if she had to sell commodity she used to sell unknowingly. But now she and her group member go to find out the prize rate of the commodity in the market. She joint group since 2 years ago.
She got the information from the Field Staff that the Agriculture and Economic Development project is going to implement in her community. She got the chance to joint and got trainings. She got vegetable cultivation farming trainings, green pesticide making trainings, postharvest training, group management training and many many supports from the project. She also goes to market literacy class which is conducting in her community. She got the chance to learn from class. She said “Before joining group and literacy class I didn’t able to sell my commodity and I didn’t have any idea of marketing nor vegetable farming. But now I do it. Now we sell our commodity in Indian market Tikuniya a border nearest market“.
She earned last season at least 50 thousand Nepali Rupees by selling green beans and fresh green vegetable. She collects the green bean from out of group members and sells to local market actor or whole seller in Tikuniya. In Tikuniya’s people are buy vegetable because they believed that vegetable growth without pesticide in Nepali farmer and liked eat. She said” We got good prize in India than Nepal. Because the currency value of Indian currency is more than Nepali currency. We sell 15 to 20 Indian currencies in India but in Nepal we have to sell 10 to 15 NRs. So we are encouraged to go India for sell our commodities.” By selling she bought some pots and house use materials and Cycle also. She express her glade” If we were didn’t get the support of the project we are not able to do anything now but we can do. We bought pots and tag our name with group name for memories. ” She also said that she has feel greet to Digo Bikash Samaj and her children got the supporting from the vegetable farming because she able to buy the reading materials and pay fees.