Member Being Aware from Fraud

Joining literacy class Producer Group members are being awared and escaping from frauds, keeping well simple numerical calculations. They were often trapped by frauds without having calculation ideas. And they had to lament in after real numerical calculation supported by their senior person.

25 members in group Gulab Mushroom Farmer Group has been formed at June 2018 in Bhajani Municipality, Kailali, District. Where there was no any literacy class for senior citizens before DigoBikashSamaj intervention Agriculture and Economic Development Project.

Mangri – a 50 years old lady, a member of farmer group from ultra-poor family. She used to work as Kamlari (Servant girl) and she was unable to join school in her school age. She always thought she can’t scope her life form poverty and lacking food. Now her life changed. She got the different type of trainings on farming. After Kamaiya’s are freed she got 5 Kattha land from government. As applying knowledge of not only mushroom farming training she is using her knowledge of vegetable training and earning 10000 in a month by selling her vegetables.

She got chance to enhance her numerical calculation power as well as writing/reading skill joining a reading class. She can keep her daily account. She narrated “Before I joining reading class I was unknown about calculation, could not keep record account but now I’m able to do.” She adds ” Literacy class makes us clever and aware about marketing it changing my and group members lives.

On the basis of VCA (value chain assessment) reportĀ  4 commodities were recommended. Commodities were categorized on farm and non-farm. In category farm commodities are fresh vegetable, potato, spice and non-farm commodity is mushroom farming. Mushroom farming is better for landless group members. Gulab Mushroom farmer Group members are often landless people.

Joining daily regular literacy class the members of group are becoming awareness about calculation and self-confidence.